
New Potential Sources of Generating Revenue through the Harrisburg First Plan

Check out Harrisburg100 for all the Harrisburg election updates Due to a major lack of revenue generation by the city, declining tax revenues, and because EIT and LST might have to be cut when the city exits ACT 47, as part of the Harrisburg First comprehensive plan, Lewis Butts for Mayor has highlighted these aspects of the overall economic development  approach, and specific revenue generating solutions. Also, look for the Butts for Mayor press release at 2:00pm Thursday, March 30 at the Dauphin County Courthouse for the unveiling of the Harrisburg First plan. Last year, a call was issued to the citizens of Harrisburg for their ideas and input towards the comprehensive plan, however behind the scenes, some very vested interests had already made the predetermined plans to fit their agenda and needs. So, as it has been for 60+ years, very limited sections of the city see great benefit, while the majority of town dwindles. The proof is clearly illustrated in the differen...
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